Tuesday 24 January 2017

Auchan Romania- Customer journey

Yesterday I ended up at Auchan store in Militari. Really loved the layout of the store with big aisle spaces.

So I had a quick run through the store, bought what I needed and then I went to the checkout. After I waited 5 minutes the lady scanned my goods and handed me a receipt. I wanted to pay and she told me that I must take this receipt and go to a self checkout machine and pay. Stayed at another queue an I have payed. After that you must show the printed receipt to a guard ( yes another queue) who scans it and sees if you paid.

Here is what is broken down with this system. They wanted to do a self checkout system and tried to improvise. I mean look at the ones from UK or Sweden and compare them with the ones in Romania.
You have to stay at 3 queues in order to get out of the store. Think how it is during busy periods, Christmas or Easter.  

Instead of simplifying the customer journey and make it as appealing and fast as possible - we need the shopping to be done first and with none to less wasted time - they went 180 degrees and managed the opposite.

Monday 28 November 2016

Chocolate souffle

Am facut primul sufleu de ciocolata.

Ca si ingrediente am folosit 4 albusuri de ou, 1+1/3 ciocolata neagra 75%, unt si zahar brun granulat pentru peretii ramekinului. 
Incepeti prin a rupe in bucati ciocolata si o topiti, impreuna cu 1/4 bucati unt intr-o craticioara, amestecand sa nu se prinda.
Ungeti peretii ramekinului cu unt si presarati zahar asfel incat sa fie in totalitate acoperiti. Pe acest strat sufleul va creste si se va ridica.
Intr-un bol separat amestecati cu un tel albusurile peste care adaugati zahar si putina sare. Trebuie sa aiba o consistenta ferma astfel incat daca ridicati telul sa ramana un mic mot.
Dupa asta aduceti peste ciocolata albusul batut si amestecati continutul.

Turnati cu grija in ramekin pana ajunge la marginile acestuia, stergeti cu un servetel ''buzele'' ramekinului 

Puneti la copt , 220 grade , pentru 14 minute pentru a obtine un miez moale.

Pofta buna

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Frigiderul viitorul e foarte aproape

In cadrul CES2016 Samsung tocmai a dezvaluit un frigider, side by side, care integreaza perfect noul concept de Internetofhings (IoT)

Frigiderul dispune de un display de 21.5 inch , 1080p, camere video prin care poti :
-vedea in timp real din magazin ce iti lipseste din casa
-face shopping direct din retailul modern - eMag, Carrefour Online , Cora , etc
-vedea retete, pagini web sau il poti seta sa te anunte cand anumite produse sunt la reducere
-afisa un calendar si tine cont de ceea ce urmeaza intr-un mod mult mai usor

Tinand cont de conceptul de SmartThings( de la Samsung)  acest frigider se va putea conecta cu siguranta la din ce in ce mai multe produse/servicii care exista/vor aparea in piata prin care practic iti poti controla casa si obiectele din jur.

Pretul si disponibilitatea inca nu au fost anuntate.